Rozwiązania płatnicze WestStein dla firm
Firmowe konto internetowe spełniające wszystkie potrzeby Twojej firmy

Weststein prepaid Mastercard with online account

Independent and international e-wallet for your company

WestStein offers your business an international electronic money e-wallet account which is independent of the company's main bank account. Top up the e-wallet from company's account and make easy money transfers to all WestStein Prepaid Mastercards attached to it.

Multi-user e-wallet access with unlimited cards assigned

WestStein e-wallet for business has a multi-user access and can be fully managed online with unlimited number of WestStein Prepaid Mastercards assigned to it. This is a perfect finance tracking and management solution for companies that want to have less paperwork, more money and more time on their hands to grow.


Provide your employees with WestStein Prepaid Mastercards for company expenses

Use WestStein Prepaid Mastercards to provide your employees with prepaid company funds for different business expenses like travel, fuel, project budgets, customer related costs, and daily office expenses with more control and easier reporting and accounting process.

Send mass payments to unlimited number of cards assigned to your e-wallet

WestStein mass payout system is a great way of paying wages to employees and partners around the globe. With WestStein mass payout solutions load numerous WestStein Prepaid Mastercards by transfer from your company's e-wallet with just one click.

Easily manage your employees' salaries, affiliate and commission payouts online

In WestStein corporate client portal you can manage your employees' salaries, affiliate and commission payouts, cash flow and budgets online and in real time more transparently and more beneficial to your company.


White label prepaid card services and co-branding solution for your business needs

White-labeled or co-branded to meet your company's needs WestStein Prepaid Mastercard can also be used for loyalty programs, bonuses and as gift cards issued to your clients, partners or employees on behalf of your company. Improve your company’s brand awareness while providing great financial services.

More control with the WestStein Payment Solutions for your company's accountancy

The easy integration of the WestStein Payment Solutions reporting data for the company's accounting program is a blessing for accountants as it saves time and money required to register documents from separate transactions, while also reducing the possibility of errors.


Stay in control of your company's money wherever you are!

Get WestStein Mobile Application for business:
- Secure and simple way to manage company's finances 24/7
- Access company's e-wallet anytime anywhere
- Manage and top up company's WestStein Prepaid Mastercards anywhere you are
- Available in AppStore and GooglePlay


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Sprawdź, co mówią nasi zadowoleni klienci:

Karta Przedpłacona Mastercard jest najlepszym rozwiązaniem dla takiego miłośnika zakupów jak ja. Pieniądze przeznaczone na zakupy trzymam oddzielnie od środków przeznaczonych na rachunki, a mój mąż jest mi za to bardzo wdzięczny.

WestStein card

Otwórz internetowe konto firmowe z Rozwiązaniami Płatniczymi WestStein i zarządzaj pieniędzmi i wydatkami firmy bezproblemowo!